Harley Davidson European Bike Week
Visiting Friends Tour 2021 in Neuhaus

Das Alpe-Adria-Chapter war heute im Rahmen der internationalen Harley Davidson European Bike Week 2021 zu Gast in unserer Gemeinde #
Foto Eva Logar
Rund hundert Biker versammelten sich beim Jauntaler Had’nzentrum in Schwabegg und danach zum Mittagessen im Gasthaus Hafner in Oberdorf #
Heute live in der Had’n- und Kulturgemeinde Neuhaus #
Eintreffen der Biker beim Jauntaler Had’nzentrum in Schwabegg


Begrüßung durch Bürgermeister Patrick Skubel und Manfred Dworak, seines Zeichens Director, Webmaster, Road Captain, Safety Officer des Alpe-Adria-Chapters
Harley likes Had’n
Begrüßung durch Had’nvereinsobmann Josef Hirm
… und Vorstellung der köstlichen Had’n – Buchweizen – Ajda – Buckwheat -Produkte
Wasn’t Born to Follow
The Byrds 
Oh, I’d rather go on journey
Where the diamond crest is glowing
And run across the valley
Beneath the sacred mountain
And wander through the forest
Where the the trees have leaves of prisms
And break the light in colors
That no one knows the names of
Foto Eva Logar
Easy Riders welcome in Neuhaus!
Foto Eva Logar
Foto Eva Logar


On the road again …
Eingeparkt beim Had’ngasthof Hafner
Musikalische Begrüßung durch Lukas Rupitz
Bravo, bravo!
Born to be wild …. 
Get your motor runnin‘
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way
Yeah, darlin‘, go and make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space
I like smoke and lightnin‘
Heavy metal thunder
Racing with the wind
And the feeling that I’m under
Like a true nature’s child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never wanna die
Born to be wild
Born to be wild
Like a true nature’s child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never wanna die
Born to be wild
Born to be wild

Have a good time and see you again in Neuhaus!