Travels in Turkey: From Antalya to Myra and by boat to Turtle Beach – Weltkulturerbe Ephesos und Weinkultur im Bergdorf Sirince

Springtime in Antalya, Turkey, in March #

Auf den Spuren des Christentums: Der Heilige Nikolaus in Myra, heute Demre #

Pomeranzen bei der Nikolauskirche in Myra in Lykien #

Felsengräber Myra #

Theater von Myra #

Theatermasken in Myra

Theater von Xanthos UNESCO Weltkulturerbe

Xanthos UNESCO Weltkulturerbe

Boat trip to Turtle Beach

Raki tours in Dalyan

Welcome to Turtle Beach

Remember the Sea turtles in Make Your Way to the Matura

Make Your Way to the sea turtles

Sea turtles in Turkey

Swimming on Turtle Beach in March

Ephesos revisited after 47 years

Celsius Bibliothek Ephesos

You never walk alone in Ephesos

Restauration works in the Theatre

Weindorf Sirince

Begrüßung im Bergdorf Sirince

Dionysos Weinkultur

Bakus wine tasting

And the winner is …

Zeus Black Mulberry Wine