West Side Story about Evrenseki Beach and the Market in Manavgat – „Side by Side“ in Side – Sunday Morning SIDE Walk to see the (side) ancient city of Side

Good Morning Evrenseki Beach #
Looking from our balcony on (plastic) camels and bazaars #
Time for dessert #
Hotels in Evrenseki west of Side #
Evrenseki Beach swimming in the Mediterranean Sea in March #
Home for the cats at Turtle Bridge in Evrenseki Harbour #
Our Dolmus bus for a week #
Manavgat Bridge
Thursday market in Manavgat #

Mountains of olives 
Take a ride to Side 
Der Name Side bedeutet Granatapfel
Daily caj
On a Sunday Morning SIDE Walk
Magic pumpkins in Alanya
Alanya Castle and Harbour
Lighthouse love locks
On the coastal walking path from Evrenseki to Side
Pomegranate juice on the way
Side Theater Restauration
Side Antik Kenti
Sarkophage und Hermes
Ausgrabungen in Side
Men without heads
Old City of Side
Muezzin prayers five times a day
Bloody cyclists get everywhere
Evrenseki sunrise
Bar in Side
Efes Beer
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn‘t bad, so I had one more for dessert …