Drava Bike Experience in Koroška: Via Leifling, Libeliče and Dravograd to Gortina and Muta as far as Radlje ob Dravi and back home via Trbonje and Dvorec Bukovje
Hot 80 km Sunday morning E-Bike-Tour mostly on new bike paths I had never seen before on the Drava cycle path in Slovenia #

Summertime in Pudlach #

Summertime in Leifling #

Beautiful flowers in Leifling #

View across the fields of Libeliče and Gorče, Slovenija

New Spominska lipa in Libeliče

Drava fishermen in Dravograd

Dvorec Bukovje/Schloss Pöckstein and the ruins of the old castle

Raftsmen on the Drava in Gortina


Die Drau wurde zur Drava

Gortina is a village on the left bank of the Drava River in the Municipality of Muta in the historical Styria region in northern Slovenia.
There is a small church in the settlement with a wooden belfry. It is dedicated to Saint Stephen and was built in the early 18th century. It belongs to the Parish of Muta.


Land art in Gortina

New cycle path to Muta

on the way to Maribor …

Welcome to Muta!

Church Cerkev Rotunda Sv. Janez Krstnik / St. John the Baptist in Muta

Church Cerkev Rotunda Sv. Janez Krstnik / St. John the Baptist in Muta

Mitnica bar in Muta

Looking at Vuzenica in die distance

Beautiful new bike paths of the Drava cycle path in Slovenia

Vodni park Radlje ob Dravi

Vodni park Radlje ob Dravi

Fishing in Radlje ob Dravi

Hop fields in Radlje ob Dravi

Hop fields in Radlje ob Dravi

TIME Brewery in Radlje

Time Brewery

Welcome to Radlje ob Dravi!

Revisiting the old road to the university in Graz

Rolling into Radlje


Cerkev sv. Mihaela

Nice to meet Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin in Radlje

The name of the settlement was changed from Marenberg to Radlje ob Dravi in 1952. The name was changed on the basis of the 1948 Law on Names of Settlements and Designations of Squares, Streets, and Buildings as part of efforts by Slovenia’s postwar communist government to remove German elements from toponyms.

Marenberg Mansion (a popular wedding location due to its beautiful scenery)

Park at the Marenberg Mansion

The Dominican Monastery Radlje ob Dravi

Saying goodbye to the hop fields of Radlje

Muta flowers

Looking at the raft from the bridge to Trbonje

Trbonje, Dravograd

Meeting Dutch bikers all the way from the Murradweg

Drava bike rest

Sv. Boštjan, Dravograd

Dvorec Bukovje


Drava and Dravograd

Dravograd ….

…. after the DRAVOGRAJŠKA NOČ – 02.07.2022